What a fantastic past few days I've had! Got a call out of the blue Tuesday afternoon from one of my best friends asking me to go away with her for a little road trip. Having nothing else going on, of course I said yes! We drove up to Raleigh that evening with the plan of sleeping on couches at her two sisters' and one of their husband's house. Turns out the married couple had left for Florida that very morning, so we offered to keep their very large and comfy king-sized bed company while we were there.
We ended up doing a whole lot of nothing important, and it was absolutely splendid. Watched a ton of movies in bed and saw Red Riding Hood in the $1.50 theater. Went shopping and FINALLY found a pair of jeans that fit, but they were just about the ugliest things I'd ever seen, so I ended up leaving without them. Huge bummer.
The only other bad thing during the trip was that I almost lost it in a maternity clothes store. My road-tripping friend is about five months pregnant now and desperately in need of some larger clothes. I did okay for all of a whole minute then had to excuse myself from the store. Just couldn't do it yet.
Had deliciously bad for me eggs benedict for breakfast this morning, and that pretty much made up for it. It probably contained my cholesterol intake for the whole week, but it was totally worth it. That and getting two bottles of Two-Buck Chuck at Trader Joe's before we headed back home, one of which I am enjoying an inaugural glass of right now.
More than anything though I enjoyed spending time with my "sisters". I grew up with them and have missed them dearly since I moved away. Being back now though, we've picked up right where we left off and it's like I was never gone. We're actually even closer now, I think. I love that.