I feel so torn right now and I don't know what to do. I've wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember and in January we finally started trying. Through the months we've moved (and plan on moving again next summer) and also had to pay for costly medical appointments out of pocket (no insurance) which have put us in debt. I haven't found a job here yet, so our income has been limited. I'm so worried about bringing a child into this world when we're in debt. I know our families would help if we asked them, but I don't want to put them in that position.
I hate to put TTC on hold, especially since I've been diagnosed with endo. My doctor wants me to start Clomid this cycle and use it for a few months to see if it will work before sending me to a specialist for a pricey lap which we couldn't even afford (do specialists have payment plans??). I know Clomid only increases the chance of multiples slightly and I would LOVE to have twins or more, but there is no way we could support more than one without going even further in debt, and that terrifies me. If I do start taking it, it's in just a few short days. I just don't know what to do. I feel the "adult" decision is to wait until we're more financially stable, but that absolutely breaks my heart. Will we ever really be "financially ready" for a baby? Things just keep coming at us and that's life. What to do?
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