Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Me vs. My Stomach

Today I'm starting the "Special K Challenge".  I like how they call it a challenge and not a diet.  Although do they mean it like "I challenge you to a duel" or that it'll be a challenge to actually do it?  Anyways...

I've gained some weight lately, and it really shows in my face.  And midsection.  And my watch doesn't fit anymore, so I assume in my wrists too.  My mom wants me to post more pictures of myself on our family blog, but I don't want anyone from back home to see me like this.  My facebook pics are all at least a year old cause I don't allow people to take pictures of me anymore.

I'm not crazy overweight, but I could definitely stand to lose some poundage.  Thirty or so would get me back to where I feel comfortable with how I look, but I'm aiming a little lower to start out with.  I'd like to lose maybe fifteen before our trip back home in March or April.  I also want to lose some before we get pregnant.  I always hoped I'd be one of those adorable pregnant women who look completely normal except for their cute round bellies, although that's probably unlikely for me even if I were the definition of skinny.  It definitely couldn't hurt our chances of getting pregnant though, and that's what I'm more concerned about at this point.

The husband and I tried the South Beach diet this time last year, but we couldn't keep it going for very long.  We did lose weight, but we were hungry all the time and didn't want to live like that.  I figure the Special K way is possible for me.  I love cereal and eat it all the time anyway, so it should be a piece of cake, right?  (Mmm... cake...)  I loaded up with enough cereal, bars and shakes at the grocery store yesterday to get me through a week or so, and I'll reevaluate after that.  I'm hoping that since I'm documenting it here I'll hold myself more accountable and actually stick to it.

This morning started with a small bowl of cereal.  Small for me anyways.  I usually fill a bowl up to the tippy top, but I'm playing by the rules now.  One serving is one cup of cereal and half a cup of milk.  That's it.  I must have been eating like three servings before... geez.  Lunch was a chocolate shake, and the two snacks are cereal bars.  The sensible dinner?  Probably a can of soup or something.  Can you tell the husband's at work tonight?  Tomorrow's our regular Pizza Wednesday, and we usually make our own, so I'm going to have to find a way to healthy it up a bit.

I'm hungry.

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