Thursday, March 20, 2014

Welcome, ICLWers!

Hi there!  This is my first time participating in International Comment Leaving Week, so I thought I would introduce myself!  I'm Amethyst, am 31 and live in North Carolina.  I started this blog back in 2010 when my ex-husband and I were trying to conceive our first.  Well, that never happened.  I was diagnosed with endometriosis about nine months in, and he ended our marriage six months after that.  I didn't see it coming and was devastated for a long time.

Since then I've been working on getting my life back on track.  I've been at my current job for around twelve years, minus about a year and a half when the ex and I had moved away.  I bought a house this past summer, and right now it's just me, my catahoula pup and spaz cat in it.  I've been dating a wonderful man going on two years now, and we're about to get engaged.  Hopefully we'll be getting married later this year and will start TTC (what I call my two pink lines trek) soon after.  All I've wanted my entire life is to have children.  We'll see.

I was diagnosed with endo at the age of 27 when it was found in my pachingo (vagina).  My gyno found a cyst behind my cervix during a yearly exam which she cut out (ouch!) and sent off.  The biopsy came back positive as endo, and I'm pretty sure I've had it since I was around twelve or so.  I've never had laparoscopic surgery due to lack of insurance and finances and I wonder every day about the status of my insides.  The past couple of years most of my pain has been manageable with what I consider my miracle birth control.  A few months ago the daily pain started creeping back in, and it seems my miracle drug isn't working as well as it used to.

Last week I attended the Million Woman March for Endometriosis in Washington, DC.  It was pretty fantastic.  The ten weeks before it I participated in a bloggers uniting thing with new "assignments" each week.  All of those posts are located here, if you're interested.

This blog is oftentimes like a teenage girl's diary... it's where I come to vent and work through thoughts and emotions.  It's my private place that no one "in real life" knows about.  Sometimes just coming here helps so much, even when what gets written doesn't make any sense.

Please take a look around and comment wherever you'd like.  I look forward to getting to know you!


  1. Hi from ICLW! Yay for EndoMarch!

    It sounds like you have gone through so much! I wish you well with your upcoming engagement and hope that you can get right down to TTC with success!

  2. Welcome to ICLW! I've wanted to do the Endo March... I don't have Endo but so many women in this community do and I would love to show my support...but I don't think there's one in my area! Best wishes for your pending engagement and TTC! Hopefully, this time, it will be much easier for you!

    1. Thank you! And I'm enjoying ICLW very much so far.

  3. Hi! I grew up at least partially in NC. Went to undergrad there was well, at Peace in Raleigh. I totally know what it's like putting off medical care and enduring pain because of insurance. I hope your situation has changed now? I wasn't sure about that part. Congrats on the potential engagement looming, that sounds exciting. And I hope your TPL-trek goes more favorably this time. I've got several close friends who have been on that trek or are still on it, so I know how it goes. :)

    1. Thanks! I do finally have insurance now, but the place I want to go is out of network, so still saving pennies. Maybe one day.

  4. Blogging is a great place to vent. It's my very own therapy. Wishing you all the best this year!
