Wednesday, April 6, 2016

He Said Yes

Three and a half weeks ago Dakota Guy said yes to my question.  He said he ultimately wants to settle down and have a family and that he would like for me to visit to see if there's anything between us.  I told him I needed it to be in the next month or two and got all excited to book a flight.

Two and a half weeks ago I asked if he'd checked his work schedule for the best time to visit.  He said he hadn't yet.  I'm the kind of person that when I decide to do something, I'm full speed ahead to get some plans made.  That being said, I freaked out that maybe he wasn't as interested in all this as I am.  I voiced my concerns, and he said that he's really having a tough time with some personal problems (which we had talked about the week before, and I totally understand) and asked me to give him some time.  Which I said I would do.

A week and a half ago I gently brought it up again, and he asked me to please continue being patient with him.  I told him mid-May was probably the latest I could do (vacation timing wise with work), and he said May would be better than April.  So, in theory, next month sometime I'll be flying out to see him.

With any other guy, I'm pretty sure I'd be thinking he was leading me on or blowing me off, or whatever.  But with him... it's different.  I've known him for so long, and we've been talking pretty much every day for almost a year now.  It's weird to feel so close to this guy I haven't actually seen in person in probably twelve years.

I really hope this trip happens.

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