Monday, October 25, 2010

The Park

I found an awesome park the other day and took the poochie there this morning. We had to go to the vet first for some of her routine stuff, and then we headed over. It is huge, wide open and absolutely beautiful! There’s a walking path, a lake and picnic tables scattered all about. I wasn’t really dressed for serious walkin’, so we just took a little stroll around. There were clouds floating along in the sky and a perfect gentle breeze. Her ears starting flapping all about whenever it picked up a little, which was adorable. We wandered through a good part of the park, and it made for a very nice morning.

Like always, we got some weird looks as people passed by. I guess it’s because she’s so uniquely patterned that people are trying to figure out what kind of dog she is. Or maybe just because we’re both so beautiful that they can’t help but admire. ;) Although we don't always get happy glances. Once when we were living in Charlotte, the husband and I were taking her to the dog park and we walked by a family headed back to their car. As we passed by one lady remarked, “That’s an ugly little dog!” I couldn’t believe it! Our poochie’s poor little puppy ears! I wanted to turn around and say, “That’s an ugly little kid.” Not really, but you know. How rude!

Anyways, I’m very excited to have stumbled upon this park and I can’t wait to take the poochie and the husband back on his next day off! Maybe we’ll even have a little picnic.

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