Monday, February 28, 2011

Clomid and Coming Out

Since the last time I posted, I started taking Clomid and will take the last dose tonight.  I am on 50mg, am taking it cycle days 5-9, and so far really haven't experienced any major side effects.  I was prepared for crazy-psycho-bitch mood swings, but I've actually had this positive, happy calm wash over me since I first started taking them.  Maybe being prepared for them has kept them away.  Maybe I'm just happy to finally be taking a positive step again, and that's lightened my spirits.  Who knows.  It's all good though.

I have been having a few mild hot flashes at night, but they only last a few minutes and really aren't that bad.  I usually get a little ovary pain (I guess that's what it is) throughout my cycle, and it's seemed a little stronger lately.  I'm choosing to believe that it's a good thing and that they're preparing themselves to create a super fabulous egg that will be all the more able, willing and ready to be fertilized!

Tomorrow kicks off Endometriosis Awareness Month, and I've written something to put on Facebook.  It's basically just some information about the disease and my story involving it.  I included some links to helpful online resources in case anyone needs them.  I think I'll change my profile picture to this endo ribbon for the month, and also place it to the left on here.  It's not much, but I hope it can help someone.

This will be my "coming out" on Facebook about the endo and us trying to get pregnant.  Only our parents and a few close friends know, and I'm a little nervous about "announcing" it to everyone back home and a shit ton of people I went to high school with.  Part of my story is about the endo being found in my pachingo, which I tried to phrase delicately.  I'm afraid that stupid high school people I didn't particularly care for (and vice versa... why am I friends with them on FB?) will all focus on the fact that I had this nasty thing growing in my lady parts and wonder if I had it back then (then be grateful they never slept with me... not that I did that in high school).  Ugh.

But I don't care what they think anymore (for the most part... do you ever totally get over high school?) and I'll probably never see any of them again in my lifetime, so the benefits of spreading awareness of endometriosis outweigh the risk of retrospective humiliation.  (That is so not the right use of that term, but oh well, it kinda fits.)

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