Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Infertility in TV Land

Am I a bad person for wanting fictional characters on a television show to have fertility issues?  Pretty much every show I've seen with a couple trying to get pregnant has shown them successful after one or two attempts.  But on the show Parenthood, it seems that Julia and Joel have been trying to conceive their second child for awhile now with no success.  On the episode I most recently saw Julia opened up to her sister that each passing month was getting more frustrating.

I'm kind of hoping that it does take them some time and that they may even need to seek help for it.  Is that wrong?  It's not just because I'm tired of throwing a fit and the remote every time a fake person on a TV show I like to watch gets knocked up right after stopping the pill.  I'd really like to see it acknowledged that getting preggo doesn't always go so smoothly for some people and have just a little attention brought to the topic.  Maybe they could even have an episode where she gets pissed because a multitude of people tell her to just relax and not stress about it.

I tried to do some online "research" and didn't find anything about it, so I don't know.  I have missed all the new episodes since Thanksgiving and am just now slowly catching up, so maybe they've already covered or resolved it.  I hope not though.  I did read that they get it on in her brother's house during her nephew's birthday party because she's ovulating, which seems a little inappropriate even for TTC.  I mean, I know you gotta do what you gotta do when it's O time, but I'm sure they could have found some time at home, right?  Or is that just me?

Oh, and while I'm on the topic of TV, I watched an episode of Cougar Town last night where Ellie freaked out on her husband for not being psychic and knowing what she wanted without her telling him.

"You're just supposed to know what I want even when I'm saying crazy, stupid things that I don't mean, especially when I think I mean them!  I mean, like now.  I don't even know what I'm saying.  I really feel crazy!"

I showed this to the husband last night and thanked him for knowing what I want even when I don't half the time, because he's just that awesome.  I also reminded him that I may or may not act twice as crazy in the coming weeks and to please bear with me because it's not my fault if I become a raving lunatic.  Should be fun to find out!  Bring it on, Clomid!


  1. I am constantly annoyed at how unrealistically IF is presented on TV. Most recently, I've noticed that there are never "real" diagnoses given. Like, at all. It's just always something wrong with the woman, and they can't have babies. That's it. That's all you get to know.

    Drives me freaking batty!

  2. How I Met Your Mother and Greys Anatomy are both touching on IF topics although not super realistically. Greys even goes so far as to have Meredith doing injectibles. But I don't think TV will ever catch up with reality on that front.

  3. I totally forgot about One Tree Hill (dorky, yes... guilty pleasure). Brooke was told she would never be able to have children, but they never said why. I want an explanation!
