Saturday, November 24, 2012

Blessingway, Part 2

The sequel to Blessingway... Had the ceremony for my best friend last night.  It was much smaller with just her mother, sisters and me.  It was just as lovely, but my tears weren't as innocent this time.  When it was her mother's turn to "bless" I teared up.  No sobbing or anything, but it was pretty obvious in our small group of six.  She was going on and on about the miracle of an extension to their family growing inside of her daughter's belly and what a miraculous transformation it would bring.  That's where I got totally jealous.
I hope that maybe one day I will get my family.  I keep remembering how I tried once and lost who I thought was my Prince Charming.  I'm reminded how I tried to get pregnant, was unsuccessful, was diagnosed with endo and just don't know what the hell's going on in there.  Although I'm so, so happy for her, I'm jealous of her getting started on her happily ever after.  I want to get started on mine again.

Didn't help that the boyfriend was totally unsympathetic when I talked to him this morning.  "You shouldn't be jealous, you'll get all that too."  "Oh, you didn't really try that long."  "Endo isn't a disease."  That last one was from a couple of weeks ago, but still pissed me off.  Oh, and fun fact... I learned recently that women with endo have E. coli in their menstrual blood.  Isn't that lovely?

And on that note, I'm off to make bird's nest cookies and a cheese ball that looks like an owl for the baby shower today.  Wish me luck on several levels please...

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