Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Big 3-0

So I'm 30 now.  It happened yesterday.  No biggie.  The days leading up to it had me in a state of minor excitement like I always am around my birthday.  I like to feel special for that one day of the year.  Yesterday morning I still felt it, then it kinda disappeared in the afternoon.  I guess you can only feel special to a certain point when you're at work all day, haha.  But it was a very nice day.  Work was easy, the weather was beautiful (sunny and in the 60s!) and I had friends over in the evening to celebrate with me.  Got some flowers at work from my parents and even a surprise gift from the ex-husband waiting for me at home during my lunch break.

I flirted all day with a friend through FB.  Back in our early 20s we made a "pact" that if neither of us was married at 30 we'd marry each other.  I got a FutureMe letter yesterday from 6 years ago reminding me of that.  He's the one who suggested it and didn't even remember.  It was fun to pass the day talking to him.  After reading that my 24-year-old self hoped I was married and had children by now, she also said something that has stuck with me more:

"If nothing else, I hope you're happy.  That's all I've ever really hoped for.  Do whatever it takes to enjoy your life.  There's no time like right now, dang it!  So take advantage of every opportunity, no matter how small."

Even back then, that was all I wanted.  And I'm totally doing that very thing today!  I'm going to look that house for sale from a few posts back in a couple of hours.  So very excited!

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