That’s what my doctor said to me again when she confirmed I have endo in my pachingo. WooHoo! Go body, showin’ the doctors somethin’ new! It’s like my private lady parts are proving some old wives tale to be true. Doesn’t get any better than that! Haha.
Anyways, that’s the diagnosis. She didn’t really say much more about it. The cyst was pretty much taken care of at the last appointment and shouldn’t be causing any more problems. All the blood work came back normal except for something to do with the thyroid being a tad high, but it’s nothing to be concerned about. She said that for another something-or-other I have better levels than anyone there and that I must eat a lot of spinach. Must be the vegan prenatal because my diet has taken a nose dive here lately! I had a transvaginal (trans-pachingo?) ultrasound which showed a normal sized uterus and multiple follicles getting ready for O time. It also showed a tiny cyst on the other ovary, but she said that was normal for someone my age.
So here’s the plan… since I’m healthy and ovulating regularly, she said the next step is to get my wonderful husband checked out. We get to take a “specimen” to the hospital lab next week to get his swimmers analyzed. If he checks out okay, then it’s onto Clomid for me for a few months. If no preggo eggo by our one-year mark of January then it’s off to Memphis to see a “specialist”. She said he’ll probably want to do a lap to check for endo elsewhere.
Poor husband. The doctor asked if I thought he’d be willing to do the SA, and I knew immediately that he would. We hadn’t talked about it, but he’s so supportive. His face kinda went blank as I told him the “good” news for him, but he said he was fine with it. We do get to try it on our own one more month as “go time” is quickly approaching, so maybe we’ll get lucky and not have to do any of “the plan”!
On a side note, I called my mom and told her all that was going on. She gets mad if I don’t tell her medical stuff going on with me. Anways, I told her the medical side of it first, then dropped the bomb that we’d been trying to get pregnant for a little while. I hoped she’d go crazy with excitement and start squealing and jumping up and down, but that’s not my mom. Instead I got a flat “You think it’s a good time?” in true Mom fashion. She was polite about it and wished us luck, but I could tell she thinks we should wait longer. Oh well… can’t please everyone, especially parents. It’s taken me a long time to accept that and be okay with it, but luckily I am now. Well, I'm trying.
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