Monday, August 30, 2010

*Knock on Wood*

I should totally NOT be writing this because I know I’ll be jinxing myself, but I’m just so excited. There has been NO SPOTTING for nine whole days! I am over the moon about this! I have been spotting for freakin ever lately, and now it has stopped. I’m secretly pretending that it’s an indicator of a forthcoming BFP! I know it’s probably not, but I haven’t not spotted for this long in months, so of course my hopes are up. Logically I know it’s most likely because most of the pachingo cyst isn’t there anymore, but I don’t care for logic right now.

Okay body, this is what's
gonna happen!  Visualize...
I AM getting my BFP this month because I don’t want to go on Clomid next month and become even more of a basket case, making the husband not want to do what’s necessary to make a baby.
I AM getting my BFP this month because the roommate heard us creating the little one and I didn’t go through that embarrassment for nothing.

I AM getting my BFP this month because it would figure that we spend a whole bunch of money on an SA to find out his swimmers are all good the same week we find out we’re pregnant. (Stuff like that just seems to happen for us.)

I AM getting my BFP this month because the due date will be about the time we’ll be moving across the country, and it would be totally inconvenient and change all the plans. (I’m okay with that though.)

I AM getting my BFP this month because I said so.

I can talk myself into just about anything.

1 comment:

  1. PMA! Let's hope this is the last 2ww you have to endure - happy thoughts coming your way!
