Sunday, November 6, 2011


Wow, I'm down to one post a week.  It feels weird not to write more.  I'm not sure that busy is the right word for why, but I have been more occupied with other things I guess.  I've been working about the same, but it's making me a lot more exhausted lately, which has been causing me to sleep a ton more.  Days and nights with no real plans I usually just nap throughout the day or crash really early.

Been hanging out with the boy some more when I'm not working or asleep.  I'm kinda confused about the whole situation with him, but am just trying to roll with it and not stress about it.  When we first "got together" it was with the mutual understanding that it was just a casual thing.  We enjoy hanging out with each other and just happen to do other things too.  But there's no commitment, no pressure for anything more.  I think I've purposely not let myself get too emotionally attached.  He says he doesn't want a relationship right now, and that's cool with me, but he kinda acts like he does.  To be honest, I wouldn't mind if we were to start officially dating.  He's caring, always calls and wants to see me every two or three days, whether we have sex or not.

When we're hanging out together things are great.  But here's where the casual part comes in... when we're around other people it's like there's nothing between us.  We're still friendly towards each other, but there's no hint that there's ever been anything more.  Our mutual friends all know that we've been hanging out and pretty much suspect that there's something going on, but he denies it.  Is that what casual is all about?  I really don't know since I've never done it this way before.  Am I just trying to read more into it than is really there?  I do have a tendency to do that.

Maybe he's just the perfect rebound guy, and I should be happy with that for right now.  Enjoy it for what it is and not over think it all.

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