Saturday, May 28, 2011


That is what I am.  I thought that my first week back at work I would be scheduled for part time hours and I'd be floating around, helping where needed.  Not quite.  I was scheduled for a good 40+ hours right of the bat.  Luckily I hit the ground running and haven't looked back.  I love my new boss and coworkers.  The new manager has only been there a few months, and I'm actually teaching her a few things.  It's really, really awesome.  A lot of the clients remember me and have told me they're happy I'm back.  It's been great.

Every night this past week though I've been pet/house/garden sitting for some friends.  They have the hugest garden I've ever seen, and it takes about an hour to water the whole damn thing.  So I've been busting my ass at work then heading over there for more.  I'm absolutely exhausted, but it's been nice.

Now I'm headed back to Mississippi to get my dog.  Lots of driving, then back to work Tuesday for another long week.  It's all totally worth it though.

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