Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh Baby!

More like no baby.  My preggo road-tripping friend was due last week and had been having contractions way before that.  I got "the call" Wednesday night that it was time, so I headed on over to her house where she's planning to have a natural water birth.  Still no baby now on Friday morning.  Her sisters and I waited, napped, ate when we could and helped her through each contraction yesterday.  Then it all slowed down and almost came to a halt.  No water broken, not in actual active labor.

It was beautiful to watch though.  Every contraction she would wrap her arms around her husband or one of her sisters, and someone would rub her back.  It was just amazing to see.  I got to be one of the amateur photographers, and her sister and I were documenting everything.

I'm not sure I'll get to see the actual birth anymore.  Thinking it was the real thing, I was able to get yesterday off of work, but not today or tomorrow morning, so I'm hoping it'll happen sometime tonight.  Well, for her sake I hope it happens sooner, but being selfish, I really wanna be there!  I had a semi-date planned tonight too, so not sure if that will happen either.  I'm so excited for her!  And I'm going to be an auntie!! :)

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