Saturday, October 2, 2010

Doughy Goodness

I made some gorgeous bread today, better than any I’ve made before! I started out making a double batch so I could freeze one. I soon realized that the mixer’s bowl would not hold the ten cups of flour called for, so two individual batches it was! The yeast looked great from the get go, all nice and foamy. Then the rise seemed almost instant! I’ve never had dough rise that much. I usually put it in the laundry room, covered, on top of the running dryer to create a warm, optimal rising environment. Well, I had the windows open because it was a beautiful day and the oven on for another baking experiment, so it was pretty warm all over the house anyway. Maybe that helped? It was a different kind of flour, so maybe that was it? Ooooh, or the whole milk instead of reduced fat? I really don’t know what made the difference, but I’m definitely going to try to recreate it next week! I’m all giddy... successful baking makes me happy!

After :)

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