Sunday, October 24, 2010

Illogically talking myself back into it...

I can’t seem to let go of the photography thing. It’s gone past just the camera now... I’m starting to seriously consider it as a profession. The more I think about it, the more I can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve only seriously considered one other thing as a possible long-term profession, and that was being a pastry chef about two years ago.

The husband had just been accepted into culinary school, and I thought about how much I’ve always loved to bake. Plus it would have been cool to be in school together. Anyways, I thought about it for a long while, but ultimately decided against it because as much as I love to bake, I hate being in the kitchen. Period. I get so freakin frustrated sometimes that I warn the husband to stay out. I couldn’t imagine myself voluntarily in a kitchen for the rest of my life. That and it would have cost about $30,000 (we got so lucky the GI Bill covered it for the husband!), which was just not going to happen. 

The money issue is the only thing holding me back this time around, because I really feel like I could do it. I found a program that’s a thirtieth of the previous price (just thought that would be fun to say), but there’s no way we could swing that or the cost of a camera now. It’s an online institute (yeah, yeah I know… but I actually talked to some people that have done it and they loved it), which I think I would do so much better at than going to a physical school. I was never good at that with the whole social anxiety thing. I seriously don’t think I could bear it having pictures I took being put up in front of an entire class to be critiqued/criticized. Plus with this you go at your own pace and have your own personal tutor who grades and critiques. I think it would be awesome.

A few of the stones we made
I want an artsy job where I can be creative. When I was in high school, some friends and I made stained glass stepping stones, and it was awesome. We even had our own little business we named “The Glass Menagerie” and we sold our stuff at local festivals. I loved it so much. I always had tiny cuts all over my fingers, and we had a scary glass cutting machine we lovingly named “The Monster”, but I loved actually making something. Creating something with my own two hands. I know taking pictures isn’t actually making anything other than pictures, but I’ve always loved it and found it to be a very creative outlet. While I was searching for this picture just now, I found a lot more that I took in high school. Even then I was trying to get creative and make them look good. Another one for my “One Day” list I suppose.

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