Thursday, May 23, 2013

I don't expect this when I'm not expecting...

You'd think common sense would tell you never to ask a woman you don't really know if she's pregnant.  You'd think a fellow woman would know that better than anyone.  Apparently not.

A normally pretty sweet older lady client came in today and was making conversation.  The first thing out of her mouth:  "Are you expecting?"

Me (playing dumb and really hoping she wasn't asking me what I thought she was):  "Expecting....?"

Her (starting to trip on her British-accented words):  "Uh... oh..."

Me (looking down at my stomach):  "Am I pregnant?  No, do I look it??"

Her (foot in mouth):  "I'm so sorry!  What I mean is... is... you have that look about you."

Me (fake laughing and trying to let her off the hook):  "Oh, do I have that glow?  Am I glowing?  I'll take that part."

Her:  "Oh, yes, that must be it!  I'm so sorry!"

Me (trying not to tear up):  "Oh, it's okay."

Come on.  Shouldn't she know better?  Shouldn't anyone know better?  I mean, I know she doesn't know any of my past or that it would be a painful question, but knowing how sensitive women in general can be about their weight and being a woman herself... shouldn't she have known better?!

I guess I really do need to hit the gym more often.  Hint taken. 

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