Saturday, May 25, 2013

Parents, Human and Pet

Both of these stories happened at work this morning.

First, the human parent.  A lady and her two old-enough-to-know-better kids brought their dog in today.  I got all their info and another employee took the dog from them.  While this was happening one kid was talking very loudly and making it hard to understand the mother.  The other got a rather expensive leash off a display and started using it as a jump rope, stepping all over it and getting it filthy.  Even after we were done talking, the lady continued to let her kids be all crazy.  I understand letting them have some independence, explore and be inquisitive, but this was ridiculous.  She just stood there watching the boy get the leash all dirty and the girl running around being all loud.  Didn't say a word to them.  I eventually stepped in, attempting to get the leash from the kid as she asked him over and over to put it down and get in the car.  If I had acted like that as a kid, there would have been some consequences.  

Not long after that, one of our regular clients brought in his wild Boston terrier and thought it would be a good idea to set her on the counter so she could say hello.  I petted her hello and started to get info from him, assuming he would put her back on the floor.  But no.  She freaked the fuck out and kicked everything off the counter.  Business cards went flying in every direction and merchandise hit the floor.  She ended up tearing his thin, older-person skin, causing him to bleed everywhere.  I finally got ahold of her, offered him a tissue and band aid and later had to clean his blood off the counter.  Just lovely.

What is wrong with people?  Why don't some parents teach their kids some manners for when they're in public?  And why do some pet parents think it's okay to put their pets' dirty asses on the counter where people put their hands and write?  Do people not have common sense and courtesy?

Gotta love working with the public.

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