Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bowing Out

I think Player 4 has now left the game.  That makes three guys who said they wanted to go out again but didn't really mean it.  I'm starting to think I'm the common denominator here.  I think I need a break.


  1. I guess its a good thing that even though we "met" on the IF front, I also have a SHIT TON of dating experience that allows me to offer you some thoughts on this stage of your life as well.

    Take a break. Take a breather. I KNOW its hard and you're lonely and you miss your husband. And it sucks ass that he is a big fat fucking coward and bowed out of your marriage without a moments notice. And it seems like it would be so much easier to just slip into something new BUT its not.

    I went from two two year relationships in a row to a self-imposed dating exile to spend some time getting to know ME again. And you know what, I was a different person than I was before my relationships. And after you get to know you again, you will know a whole lot better what you want in someone else. You can be the one bowing out, you're the picky one.

    I'm not the be all end all resource on this but reading your recent posts, I can just hear myself in them and I know, first hand, what you're going through.


  2. Thanks, Oak. Yes, a breather is exactly what I need. I'd already decided before meeting this last guy that if things didn't go anywhere with him, I'd be taking a break. So a break I am now on. Focusing on friends and moving next week will be good. :)
