Monday, August 8, 2011


Can I pick 'em, or what?

So, Mr. Sure Thing and I have a history.  He's a good guy, but he doesn't always make the best choices.  I knew that and other things about him going into this, so why am I taking it so hard?  I think it really hit home today.

I have this thing where when I learn a guy I'm interested in or have been briefly dating has slept with a friend of mine, I immediately lose all interest in him.  It even makes me slightly nauseous.  Yeah, so Mr. Sure Thing slept with a girl I work with and have known for years.  He was her first.  She was fifteen at the time.  He was 25.

I just... can't now.

I don't think I've ever wanted to say FML more than I do right now.  I just need something to go right.  I was really hoping he would be it.

1 comment:

  1. I was about to tell you not to worry about something that happened so long ago... until I saw the age difference at the time.

    I'm sorry friend. That sucks.
