Monday, August 29, 2011

This feels so middle school...

I think I need to un-friend all of his family.  It really upsets me how upset I got at the fact that an in-law I will probably never see again in my life removed me from his online social media "friends".  I also get upset every time I check out the husband's page and see something new about him and his girlfriend or just his life in general.  I purposely only let myself look at it once every few weeks or so, but the fact that I purposely avoid it knowing I'll probably get upset upsets me.  The fact that I still see him and his family popping up on the left-hand side of the screen like we're all hunky-dory makes it hurt more.

I don't think I can keep doing it.  I think I need to get rid of all reminders, no matter how small, so I'm not dwelling all the freakin time.  Like my signature, it's another daily reminder that he and I are no longer and will never be again.  That he's perfectly content with another woman.  That I'm terrified once again that I'm going to die alone.

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