Friday, April 29, 2011

Will's 28, I'm 28... I coulda been a Princess! Duchess?

I went to the post office and mailed off all the divorce paperwork today.  Then I went home and watched the royal wedding.  Not the smartest decision.

I won't lie... I cried.  And not just because it was beautiful.  I kept thinking back to my wedding and how the sentiment behind the words we spoke to each other almost three years ago to the day mirrored how the royal couple looked this morning.  Did that make sense?  How much wine have I had?  Anyways... I miss being looked at like Will was looking at Kate.  And OMG (wow,  I've never typed that), how absolutely drop dead gorgeous is she?  Right?

Anyways again... I had a girly date planned for the evening that was supposed to take my mind off the fact that I just notarized my marriage away.  I haven't seen her for almost a year and a half and was soooo excited!  Then her little girl got a 103-degree fever and the date got cancelled.  I had a girly date with a different friend last night, and it was fun.  I have another girly date with two other friends tomorrow night, which should be fun also.

Ten years after high school and I'm finally popular.

I was really looking forward to the girly date tonight the most though.  I made brownies and everything.  We were going to have dinner and wine (well, I did that anyway) and watch movies and talk.  It was going to be a much needed evening out, but in at her house.  Oh well.  Her little girl needed her more tonight, which I totally can't be mad about.  Hopefully we'll get to reschedule soon.

At least the wine didn't go to waste.

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